Sunday, October 16, 2011

Celibacy && Loneliness

So it's not so easy being celibate when no guy out there wants a girl that they can't get any from. However, I know that I'm worth waiting for and if there's a man willing to take the time to wait for it then he's likely to be the guy that deserves me. Sex gets in the way of getting to know an actual person and getting to know how the relationship can work for time to come. You can be in a relationship for 2 years and not even know a person because the relationship is based on sex and physical attractions. I want the physical attractions, the stimulating conversations, and the knowing a person and knowing that we love one another for one another not for what kind of pleasure we can give to one another. Yes in fact I do get lonely, and I want that cuddle time even though I'm not the cuddle type. Sometimes I want a kiss or to hold someone's hand walking through the mall or parking lot. However, I know what I'm worth, a Woman's Worth, and I deserve a man who will be there thick and thin. I shouldn't have to "give it up" in order to get or keep a man. No woman should. Men complain about how they can't find a good girl waah waah waah.....but girls are a lot more delicate, and sensitive, and insecure and just wants someone there so the get so desperate that they lower their morals. Not this girl. I'm a grown up and if a man can't wait with me and form a pure relationship based on each other and not based on sex then he's not mature enough for me nor neither anyways close to being on my level. I'd like to have a MAN kiss and touch THIS body, not an immature MAN-BOY that secretly thinks he his God's gift to women just because he has a penis. I'm glad I aired this out. Hopefully for some of you ladies out there this will be a reality check for you in what you're actually doing. These MAN-Boys don't respect you and in reality they talk about you and your sex lives when you're not me...I was the only girl growing up in my family....I was raised with a damn football team AND those football teams members. GROW UP LADIES.