Sunday, November 11, 2012

The "My" in Myself

I've lived many lives in just my short period of time already. I can't say that I have found what I'm looking for yet and only in the reason that I don't even know what I'm looking for, yet. How can I know it's exactly what I'm looking for before I find it? Think of your favorite flavor of ice cream or candy.... Before you had tasted that flavor, ever... You didn't know that what you were about to taste would then be your favorite flavor from then on.. Am I right? Right. So that's how my perspective is in one of it's crazy ways.. On life. I can't commit to anything because I'm not sure if the next thing would have been something I'd want to commit more to yet. Then again, if I even had a second thought of what may be then I wasn't ever going to be committed as much as I can. Now if that hasn't confused you yet and you're still with me I'm going on a trip and it may have some loopty loos. Different things make you feel different. In example if you're wearing tennis shoes, you may feel more energetic or active; Whereas, in house slippers, you're slower and maybe lazy. Or even for instance, smells. If you smell lavender you may feel relaxed; if you smell mint you may feel refreshed. Just like different places make us feel different. I'm the type of person who wants to take as much into consideration as I possibly can to make my ultimate best decision. I want to love everything in life before love suffocates my life. I can find contentment in nearly any situation I face and stones are thrown upon me in my ability to do so. I'm always going to want more or different until I find my more, my most, my nothing else. My faith in finding my checkered flag overwhelms me at times..but we wouldn't know that a checkered flag existed if we didn't already know what a checkered flag was. I'm my own role model. I'm always as optimistic as I need to be. I don't like controversial topics, because if we all had the same opinions on everything then we'd be robots... I'm always going to be myself, I may change perspective or belief over time as well, but I'm still me. My changes make the "My" in Myself. Then again what do I know....see ya on the flip side, I'm going to go press play on this life of mine.

  Buenos Noches Little Chickens ..