Sunday, October 9, 2011


Here I was today having a conversation with PawPaw, whom insist that I am destined to be alone for the rest of my life. As I thought back on past relationships and missed connections I've come to realize that I was never the problem. I'm THAT Girl, the one that is wifey, trophy, the best friend, the classy lady with the family, the wing-man with the guys, the one that baits her own hooks and cleans her own fish then batters and fries them, the girl that shoots and skins her own deer, the girl that washes dishes, cooks meals, cleans and folds the laundry and house, works a full time job to bring in income, wants her "me time" and insist you have yours, trust like I've never been lied to, loves like its my first time, parties her socks off when we want to have one of those nights, wants to find a BIGGER mud puddle to mud in, is great with children, is an active member of church, would rather tell you that you're right every time we disagree just so that we don't argue, takes care of you when you're sick, runs errands when you're too busy to do so, and so so so much more. I'm basically a superwoman in a sense. It's not that I was I ever the wrong girl, in all honesty I'm every mans dream girl, truth is they were always the wrong guy.

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