Thursday, November 3, 2011

There's a thousand YOU's...but there's only ONE ME.

Why does it baffle so many people that I can stay SO single? Nearly every man I meet wants to take me out or further a relationship with me, but I;m just not interested. Why's that? Why does my PawPaw ask me all the time consistently, constantly why I don't date and says I will never get married and am destined to be alone the rest of my life. Why is it so easy for me to conversate with a good looking man yet have no interest in wanting to get to know him more?
Here's my reason: They're all the same. 1st date we'll go out for dinner & a movie, you won't get anything more than a hug and smile and a genuine "Thank you" afterwards. Then we might go on a2nd date and you will tell me how baffled you are of my smile and how "cool" and "down to earth" I am. We'll kiss at the end of our 2nd date. Then for our 3rd date you'll invite me to come over and "watch a movie" while tempting to make moves on me and try to get me to stay over. You won't succeed in getting me in your bed, then I'll leave and 3 days later you'll text me asking me something like "how are you doing?" and I'll reply with good, then you won't have anything else in the holster to text so that will be the end of our conversation. The next time we talk will be because we bumped into one another at a bar or a grocery store, we'll do the awkward "hey how ya been? Oh good good, just blah blah blah,,,well it was nice seeing you." Two days later you'll text me asking me out and I'll be "busy."
The reason I stay single is because there are a thousand YOU's....but there is only ONE ME. 
I don't want to date the same guy every time, and they indeed ARE all the same...I want to date a man that is un-like any other. Doesn't beat to the same drum, Doesn't play by everyone else's rules && wants to respect me and make me smile because he WANTS to...not because he wants to get in Victoria Secrets playhouse. I stay single because I don't want to be settled for, When guys want a hook-up they'll go to a girl that settles, but when a Man wants a wife to settle down with, he'll come to me.

Buenos Noches my lil' Stalkers. I'll feed you chickens later.

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