Sunday, March 25, 2012

How Fast is Your Light?

I hate being alone. I'm a people person. I'm a vivacious individual whom lives on interacting with the public. I'm far from saying that I don't appreciate my "me" time every so often. Then again, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm lethargic to how I interpret my own thoughts periodically. When I am alone I get so deep into my own head about everything. IT flashes through my brain like the speed of light. Wow, that's really fast considering the speed of light is 186282 miles per second. In such a short time I think of my family, friends, materialistic objects, where my life is, where I'm going in life, why am I single, why don't I have any children or a loving husband yet, is my favorite color still green, why did I pick this outfit today, I wonder who is thinking of me, should I cut my hair, should I dye my hair, I should workout more, I should eat healthier, what am I going to do tomorrow, how am I going to explain any subject of any current situation to any individual that may be associated with it, what do my dogs think, are my dogs smart enough to compose an intellectual thought, what does PawPaw see when he looks at me, why does that chick over there have nicer tits than I, I wonder if that man over there thinks I'm attractive, do men like smart girls, in turn when I try to sound smart do I sound like an idiot because I get choked up, what if my life had been this way or that way, what if I were an only child, should I paint my nails pink or french or should I just leave them the way they are, what do I want to do for the rest of my life, if I died tomorrow who would go to my funeral, do I make an impact, who influences me, who do I look up to, who looks up to me, I need to tan, I wish my feet were bigger it's so hard to find shoes my size, what is Heaven like, is there a Heaven, can my dead family and friends see me right now, can they see me in the shower, can they see me during sex, I hope my grandmother doesn't see me during sex, why are people so mean to one another, is world peace never going to happen, why do I think I could hold the key to world peace, what is world peace, who am I talking to, should I blog tonight, does anyone read my blog, does anyone really care, why am I alone right now...etc etc etc....

One moment. One moment to not have a single thought in my mind. One minute to have a remote to my life where I can press pause and everything STOP at a standstill and all is quiet. How pure of a moment I could only imagine would it be to not have a single care, worry, thought, memory, situation, question, decision, any single idea in our brain. WAIT. Does that mean you would be dead? Is the moment you take your last breath not insisting that that one time you held your breath so long that you thought your head was going to burst and right before you think it will you have that break you need?

Sudden relief, from the fact that I feel ok after questioning the above as if as long as I thought I've had one a time before I'll be alright. Or maybe I feel ok from questioning the above because I suppose when I feel the need for my break I'll know what to do. Am I doing it again?...thinking of a million things at once at such a speed you can see it in detail as well? I don't go to the gym often, yet I keep a nice build and I finally realized why. Not because my mother or father have good genes. Nor is it for the fact that I eat healthy, because if I don't eat a friggin burger at least once a day I'm freakin out. It's because my mind is racing through so many things at such a speed that it burns calories. I eat a lot of calories too at that. I feel as though I'm realizing more things when I can read back on it. In all aspects of life we can correct making the same mistakes over and over again but learning from it the first time. Take for example, and it's probably in your youth, at one point you DID reach for that stove just to see if Mom was lying or not about how hot it is. I'd say 9 times out of 10 it was because she was cooking on it so your attention was more focused on it, so naturally you burn the sheebies out of your hand. I bet that was the first time you touched a stove top and I also bet that you learned that SOB was hot and didn't do it again.

Confession. The last sentence I wrote, above this about the stove top, took me nearly 8 minutes to complete. Why? Because I had so much other things running in my head so much they kept blinding me from what I was doing, sort of like trying to read a book and your little sister keeps turning the light on and off.

So how about I settle my self debate and just say ok and just go with the flow to whatever my mind may want to focus or be brought attention to.

Buenos Noches my Lil chicken stalkers. I'll feed you another night.  <3


  1. 1. Your life is where God wants it to be
    2. You are going on the path that God has set for you
    3. You are single because there is no male nor female worthy of you at this moment
    4. You have so much more to accomplish before you have children and a husband
    5. I have no idea if green is still your favorite color lol
    6. You pick "this" outfit because you are rockin it gurl
    7. Someone is always thinking of you, trust me, you are in my prayers every night
    8. Please don't cut your hair, unless you decide to donate it, it is beautiful
    9. Dye it whatever color you can always dye it back
    10. Every girl thinks they need to workout
    11. Everyone needs to eat healthy, but must also understand they it is ok if they cheat
    12. Who knows what they are doing tomorrow? Plans change at the drop of a hat
    13. In a way that won't make them feel stupid, because you care how you make people feel
    14. Your dogs think you are a wonderful "momma"
    15. Of course they are smart enough to compose an intellectual thought
    16. Your Paw Paw thinks the sun rises and sets in your eyes, he loves you through the good and bad no matter what (well that's what I get from your statues lol)
    17. Your tits are awesome..just be glad you don't have back problems and can actual run
    18. If that man doesn't think you're attractive, he is blind and deaf
    19. Men love smart girls. One who can hold a conversation they just play like they don't
    20. I have never known you to sound like an idiot, EVER!!!
    21. You could never be an only child. I look to you as my sister, so don't worry about that.
    22. Paint each nail a different
    23. You will know what to do with your life in time. Enjoy it for now.
    24. We wouldn't hold a funeral because, although it would be so full that we would have standing room only, you wouldn't want anyone to be sad. You would want us all to celebrate your life and have a party with all the bells and whistles. So we would.
    25. Do you make an impact?? In so many ways, I can't even began to list.
    26. Everyone in your life influences you in their own way.
    27. You look up to everyone in your life in one way or another. Whether it be the way they talk to a child or what they think about politics.
    28. So many look up to you. BethAshleigh just to name one for you. She sees her Aunt Stormy as her soldier, her mentor and someone who loves her even though she has special needs.
    29. Tan during the summer.
    30. Don't wish for bigger feet. I have a size 10 and can't find shoes in my size, lol.
    31. We don't get to find out what Heaven is like because if we knew now, we wouldn't be here to change the people's lives that we are suppose too.
    32. Of course there is a Heaven.
    33. I believe that our dead family & friends see us when we need them and don't know it.
    34. I hope they don't see us shower.
    35. & 36. Let's just say they don't so we can sleep better and continue to have sex, lol.
    37. Because someone was mean to them and they are trying to make themselves feel better in a way that will not work.
    38. I don't know if world peace is gonna happen.
    39. Because every person holds the key to world peace. They just chose not to use it.
    40. You are talking to me right now, lol.
    41. Blog when you need too. I keep a journal for random thoughts myself.
    42. I read your blog, if ya can't tell.
    43. I truly care.
    44. You are never alone. God is always with you whether you feel Him or not.

  2. Sorry it took me so long to answer this. When i read it, I wrote down all the questions and finally found time to type in the answers. Love you girl.
