Thursday, May 31, 2012

Debuts are Overrated

For anyone unaware of who I am, as much as many claim they do, let me introduce myself. I'm Stormy Gayle Henry. I tell everyone my first name is StormyGayle because that's the way it's pronounced, not the way it's spelt. Most call me Stormy although I prefer StormyGayle. I'll always look young but be old in the heart. My forever wish is world peace. My favorite scent is a worldly man. All you'd ever need to know is ''I like you'' and everyone and everyone. I couldn't love myself more than I already do. I have no regrets on anything I've every been lucky enough to experience. I care for too many, too much. Trusting too much is impossible. Sometimes I feel like a free spirit and it's exhilarating. I already love everything and everyone, because we all should. My sense of intuition surprises me at times. ''Happy Birthday'' is what I would say to everyone on every birthday if I had one wish and world peace were not an option. I tend to have the occasional ''grammatical errors'' but I still think of myself as highly educated. If I could find it possible I would see that everyone were comfortable for generations upon generations. Being family to me is not the same as being blood. Helping others when they don't want to help themselves embarrasses me. I love life but I still wake up grumpy. If I never heard a train again it would be too soon. I want to give. In introducing myself, I realize that the only thing I truly find impossible is trying to introduce myself. First impressions mean so much and sometimes everything. So how can I sum myself up a matter of 15 seconds? Never could I sit down with every individual I'll ever meet and tell them my life story. But someday I may try. Buenos noches my lil chicken stalkers, till I feed you another time.

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