Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kiss Me Good Night

Let me here you speak for the first time and send a heat that melts my veins. Not only my veins but my entire being as my brain melts to the point of no control. My heart should feel explosion every time you walk into view. I want to never think you could do any wrong. I want to float through the minutes we're away. I want the best. You'll want me as badly. I'll always be the one to run to as I'll have every cure you could evr ask for. Break the door down in a rage of passion you couldn't deny. Rip at the disadvanage of my clothing as you hot tub what feels like my soul with your lips. Hurt me. I want to be pushed to no end. Control me but enjoy my domination. Carry me to a waterfall of pleasure then take away the endorphins and discover another part of me. Make me your goddess and you my king will be paid back ten times fold of sensations none you've experienced. Know the texture of my tongue and where every taste bud is. Back in the heat of my breath as it becomes harder and faster. Dream of me while you touch me. Let me be the best. Count my freckles secretly as you trail around my moist body. Make my bones ache for arching at new heights. Rush to me. Leave your mark on me proving territory where invisible to the public eye but obvious for another lover. Restrain me from wanting enough when you have so much more to give. Don't shush me, instead admire that I want everyone to know I'm yours all the way through. Crush my body with the weight of your love. Suffocate me till I near faint as my levels of ecstasy reach a roller coaster top. Experience everything you've ever wanted. Lets forget the moment and live within each other. Know what I want and when you don't be affirmed I'll let you know. Let me see the devil in you play with my religion of Love. Mess my hair and makeup, who cares, I'm everything you want. May the sound of my voice or just the look in my eyes send you overboard in a furious sea of bottled passion. Sink into me so far our hearts nearly stick together. Then always, kiss my good night.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

10 Folds of Ecstasy

My eye lids imprison my consciousness, I lay awake in a deep sleep. I feel my lashes wave as an object sweeps across them in a hindered motion. Then the slightest pressure of two fingertips, calloused with intent, trace my brow to the temple of my mind then follows by brushing misplaced strands of my still dampened hair back against my goose feather pillow. The fragrance of sultry beaches encaptures the nostrils as my hair releases the scent of Brazilian keratin, sending rushes of knee weakening thrills through ones body. My jaw bone tightens as you trail your fingers down it to my bottom lip. Right when I feel like you're fingers have abandoned my face I feel your thumb kiss my lower lip as if test the delicateness. I feel the the distance between our faces lessen. As you continue your journey away from my face I lose the feel of your hands. At a sudden my excitement spikes when I feel the satiny sheets melt away from my au naturel body. Laying there completely vulnerable and defenseless, I begin to lose body heat and my skin becomes taut as goose-bumps spread across my floral scented body bark. The weight of your body increases as you draw nearer. I can feel your heat radiating and my goose-bumps run away. The dampness of your breath arouses me and I begin to moisten. You scrape your teeth upon my throat and clavicles combining the textures of rough and pearly until you stop. You hesitate to continue because you fear the ecstasy will be far too powerful to control once ignited. The tiniest wet flicker of your tongue against my breast tells me you've already fell victim to the underlying ecstasy boil up. You just want to learn my body and I want you to explore it. Making it your home, your adventure, your addiction. Caress my curves and appreciate the simplicity of my barren skin. Taste the flavor of love in all its sultry demands. Become prisoner to the captivating glories I can offer. Seduce all my senses and fill my brain with a mesmerizing poem. Lure me into the riveting pulses of excitement. Make me sweat with anticipation rather than exhaustion. Fatigue me from love making until my body experiences muscle failure and goes weakened. Make me feel like I'm all woman and there's nothing more you could possibly o in that moment other than being all man. Fill me with passion, starve me for days locked up in the bedroom, hurt me in the way it feels good. I'll be your meek, obedient P.O.W. Just appreciate my body bark. Leaving the scratch marks of exhilarating , overwhelming love making down my back is one way and the tender bruises upon my thighs will never be mistaken as anything other than overbearing lust. Use your lips as you would your hands, and use your hands to cover every inch of my soul. Get lost in intoxication of the wild fantasies that were once only fantasies. Love my body, love me, let me love you back 10 fold.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Dear Lover, Let Me Look at You

Dear Lover, Who is your favorite super hero? You and the way you want me to see you are two different people. Don't parade to me your cape, costume or armor like you do upon the public. Let me see under your mask, beneath your super powers, the real you that I hold so dear to my bossom. Let me look at you and love you for everything you are and ever will be. Let me intoxicate the man I love with an unpredictable, blood pumping, firework bursting kiss for reasons such as myself loving something about you that I would hate in anyone else. Protect me my love and make me feel secure and sheltered and let me recognize you when you're most vulnerable. Share with me your dreams, thoughts, memories, jokes, and conquer our differences. Let me hold you sometimes my love in the safety of my trust that you will not need to feel unguarded. Drink in my laugh and tickle my soul for you are the reason I exist. Love me as I love you. Indulge with me the time we're givin. Let me look at you whenever I like as long as I like, with no questioning in my motive but in understanding that I'm only admiring my love for you. Let me touch you in the same spot everyday knowing that if were to stop a sudden than you'd miss it dearly. Let me look at you and love the real you that no one will ever know the way I do. Your journey to accomplish something important to you in life will never be held back or weighed down by me. I will lift and help you reach if you just allow me to be part of it. ''When ever, Where ever,'' will always be our promise. Just let me look at you. Buenos Noches you lil chicken stalkers. Till I feed you my dears another night.

I Remember When You Broke My Soul

Torn up with anguish that you're leaving back home and my heart can't stand the distance increasing between our shared love and shared bodies. I recall upon the moment we first came to pick me up for the first time on our first blind date in your blue Chevy extended cab.the sound of the doorbell sent chills through my bones and I leave my stomach at the top of the stairs racing to the door raising my heart beats. You first see me in my little flowy, light brown, braided strap sun dress and my knee high rubber muddin boots. Not common for a first date, but at the time it was my preference. You standing before me appeared strong, dominant, confident but so inviting and warm. That was the moment we became ''we.'' Time continues and we share memories, vacations, teaching me how to drive a stick shift, birthdays, holidays, families, friends, we shared each other with each other. Then your job was done and contract completed and you were shipped home after our future plans were verbally set in stone. Thanksgiving we planned for myself to drive to your home you lived before you made a new home with me. I'm denied leave, then put on CQ and call you to cancel my trip. At the end of my 24 hour CQ shift I'm released the rest of the holiday, so I raced to the home we shared during our time in the easiest relationship. Being up 24 consecutive hours I drove to you, 12 hours ands 54 minutes all the time calling you for my arrival. No response. I continue my trip, tiring as each minutes expires. I remember back upon the first time you had told me loved me and in a day dream I zone out. We both had surprises for one another coincidentally at the same time. As we presented them to one another we both realized how much we loved one another. The item we bought were the same on in different versions. A male style and a style he'd bought for me, the woman's version. I arrive at your home too far from the warmth of my bed. It appears as no one is home as the snow began to fall again after only taking a 15 minute break. In a sudden, my lungs freeze as if the snow is being inhaled directly to my inner organs. My heart slows, vision blurs, my mouth dries to the touch, silence struck. The silence broke as the heart barely beating by a frozen stiffness cracks resulting into the loudest heart break on my inside. All is still silent on the outside of my body. I dare let you see the salt stinging wetness gather in my eyes as I glare at you and your secret lover perched on the bed built strong for passionate love making with me. Spun up and cozy in the winter month blankets that we shared in our home. The wrong woman's hair spread lazily on the soft pillow meant for my head to lay upon. No words uttered from my puckered lips holding back the agonizing pain of a rusty blade being twisted sideways while stuck into chest. 37 hours now of no sleep and now it's the last thing my body will allow itself to do. I will not recall on time spent with you after my regrettable return after your secret lover had departed, for the memories of it are still so frightening and painful. These days I have forgiven for those times you hurt me so, but yonder days I'll never forget the time you broke my soul. Buenos Noches my lil chickens, till I feed you another night.